Class:  Partner Balancing Acro Yoga Playshop

Day: Thursday’s @7-8:30pm

Class Description: Cultivate empowerment and confidence in your body, while working with the dynamics of physical and emotional balance. The practice of AcroYoga blends the spiritual wisdom of yoga, the dynamic power of Acrobatics and the loving-kindness of Thai massage.

Challenge your perception of what’s possible. Through this playful partner practice, you will build strength and flexibility, as well as trust and connection, while having fun.

This exploration of partner balancing will be geared toward therapeutic and restorative postures, partner stretching, and conscious communication with the option for more dynamic acro-balancing as suitable.

No partner required. All levels encouraged to join.

Personal BIO: Rusty is a 9 year practicing Acro-yogi with 15 years of yoga practice. He has traveled extensively through Europe, Asia and India sharing this partner practice as a therapeutic, social purpose and circus-based offering. His love for the practice comes through in his offerings with his awareness of the neurological system and its connection to the physical body.