Claire Tucker has been writing dark, subtle pop songs for two decades. She fronts Seattle indie/Americana/psych-pop band Loose Wing and is also a guitarist and sometimes singer-songwriter for longstanding psychgazers Black Nite Crash. Claire’s vocal sound has been compared to Karin Peris of The Innocence Mission, Stevie Nicks, and Neko Case (although she’s not sure how accurate those comparisons are). Her guitar style is a mix of intricate Elliott Smith-influenced finger-picking and effects-driven psychedelic layers. Songs cover topics ranging from the struggles of being human in a capitalist society to dysfunctional relationships to social anxiety and self-medication. Loose Wing released a full length album in 2019, and Black Nite Crash is in the studio preparing an album for release in 2020. Claire is a highly prolific songwriter with too much material for her two bands. Her solo project is a vehicle for misfit songs and experimentation, but there are still plenty of pop hooks and moody prettiness to enjoy.

Loose Wing - Album Art