Class: Morning Vinyasa

Day’s: Saturday and Sunday @ 9am

Class Description: We will explore our flowing movement of the body, as well as diving into certain poses for deeper and more restorative stretches. Friday mornings are slower and more relaxed.

Personal BIO: Joshua Jacobs first discovered yoga back in 2012 at a music festival called Lightning in a Bottle, and instantly fell in love with the practice. Coming from a background of athletics, kinesiology, and nutritional study; yoga was a complete approach to health and wellness that he had never experienced before. Since then, Joshua has been practicing yoga nearly every day! He has developed a style that blends the energy of Vinyasa flow, the stillness of Hatha poses, and the depth of Restorative yoga.

Joshua completed his 200 hour teacher training in July of 2018 at Wild Thing Yoga in Bend, OR. He has been giving private/partner sessions and teaching regular classes ever since. When you attend one of Joshua’s classes; come prepared to move your body, ground your spirit, open your heart, and elevate your mind.