Clinton Woods  Visual Artist

April 7 – 12

We received an email from Clint Woods inquiring about doing a visual artist residency. How could we say no after receiving this email:

I visited Orcas in October of 2022 for the first time with my family and we completely fell in love. We were taken by the primordial beauty of the landscape and enjoyed many days of hiking and art-making. We visited Doe Bay and realized we missed out on an amazing place to stay. Hilariously enough as we were leaving we had a knock on our car window, it was our neighbors from here in Cincinnati! We had no idea they were traveling to Orcas so to cross paths at that exact moment felt serendipitous, and it turns out they are Doe Bay regulars.

Clint Woods is a Cincinnati-based art director and artist. He has been drawing as long as he can remember and finds it essential for daily living. Clint was lucky enough to receive the Hemera Foundation Tending Space Fellowship in 2014 and has continued to explore the intersection between observation, drawing, meditation, and teachings from wisdom traditions, particularly Buddhism.

Waverly Woods is a precocious 8-year old currently pursuing an elementary degree within Waldorf education. She enjoys drawing, handwork, reading graphic novels, and coming home covered in mud from head to toe. Waverly hopes to use her first artist residency experience to explore what types of dirt and trails Orcas Island has to offer while capturing the moments and reflections in words and images.